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Meet Them

Masters Professors

In terms of masonic education, the vast majority of professors hold masters degrees. Professors at WGJUFL are required to hold a doctorate for this terminal masonic degree.

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Our Story

At WGJUFL, almost all professors (including assistant professors) have a Ph.D., M.A., MBA, M. Ed. or an equivalent (e.g., Ed.D. or an M.F.A. for fine arts). We also hire instructors and other non-tenure stream instructors. They do similar work was professors, but do not have the title. Some of these people have Ph.D.’s and some have an M.S.


At WGUFL, our professors not only teach, but also conduct research and have service obligations (i.e., grand lodge committee responsibilities), which is generally not the case for the instructors.  Learners or the general masonic public are not usually informed regarding these other professorial duties.

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Meet The Team

Our Learners

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The Craft


Officers of the Lodge


Past Masters


District Deputies

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