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Walter Gulley, Jr. 

In April 2015, Honorable Walter Gulley, Jr. was elected and installed as the 18th Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Union Grand Lodge of Florida (MWUGL). During the 2015 Grand Lodge session, the Grand Master disclosed his vision of organizing a masonic university in the State of Florida. This endeavor jointly includes members of the MWUGL and Jerusalem Grand Chapter (JGC), Order of the Eastern Star; and offers Associates, Bachelors, Masters, and Doctorate degrees. As a requisite for graduation for the Associate of Arts Degree, the Class of 2017 authored the topics within this manuscript.



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My Story

Most Worshipful Walter Gulley, Jr. was born as an only child to the union of the late Walter Gulley, Sr. and Mary L. Gulley. A native of Pensacola, Gulley received a solid foundation in a Christian home before matriculating through the public-school system in Escambia County. After graduation, he attended Florida A&M University and received a Bachelor of Science degree in social studies in 1980. Additionally, he transitioned to Troy State University and the University of Florida to further his education. For thirty-five years, Gulley was employed in the school system of Escambia County, where he recently retired from his Alma Mater—Booker T. Washington High School. During his tenure as an educator, he served as social studies department chair and sponsored the Booker T. Ladies and Gents (Service Club) for 18 years before resigning to coach an academic Black History and Culture Brain Bowl Team. After seven years of coaching the team, the Booker T. Griots won five state championships, three of which were consecutive victories. What is more, competition winners received full academic scholarships to College. Gulley was honored correspondingly as Teacher of the Year by his colleagues; and as one of five finalists for District Teacher of the Year in 2005. During the same time frame, he received the Edna Rivers and Charles F. Boyd Humanitarian awards. Coach Gulley eventually stepped down after his earnest prayer to win five championships was answered, affording an opportunity for other mentors to work closely with such talented students. Grand Master Gulley has been married to his loving wife, Linda R. Gulley, for over twenty-six years. They have three children, Walter III, Demetrice, and Darren; five grandchildren; and three great grandchildren. Admittedly, the affection and support of his family have always been the stimulus for his professional and Masonic achievements. Family is extremely important to him and he cherishes each moment that he spends with them.  ter man. The significance of community activism was engrained in his mind at an early age. Living by this creed, Gulley joined Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated, because of his love of fraternity and of the organization’s mentorship initiative. He is also a cofounder of Black Vote 2000; and a member of the committee which planned the restoration of the historical Ella Jordan Federation House. A dutiful community leader and educator in the 1890s, Mrs. Ella Jordan dedicated her life to the betterment of the Pensacola community. Grand Master Gulley’s Masonic career began in 1983, when he was raised to the sublime degree of master mason in Excelsior Lodge #43 (Pensacola). He subsequently demitted to George Washington III Lodge #15. He was elected as Worshipful Master in 1990 and appointed as the District Deputy Grand Instructor for the 9th Masonic District in 1991. Due to his hard work and dedication, in 1993 and 1996, he was named Grand Instructor of the Year. In 2010, he was elected as the Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master after having been elected as the Right Worshipful Junior and Senior Grand Wardens for the Most Worshipful Union Grand Lodge of Florida, Prince Hall Affiliated.  Additionally, Gulley is a Past Excellent High Priest of Ezekiel Royal Arch Chapter #44, Past Thrice Illustrious Master of Benjamin Council # 11, and Past Eminent Commander of West Florida Commandery # 47. He has also been inducted into the Knight York Cross of Honor. In the Scottish Rite, Gulley is a Sovereign Grand Inspector General (Active) of the United Supreme Council, Southern Jurisdiction, in Memphis, Tennessee. As a faithful member of Friendship Missionary Baptist Church, Gulley was appointed as President of the men’s ministry and Sunday school teacher for many years. He truly enjoys studying the Bible; and traditionally begins each communication to the craft with an applicable verse. Moreover, Gulley fervently believes that following and trusting God, consistent Biblical study, and masonry have made him over time a wiser and betOn April 12, 2015, Gulley was humbled to reach the pinnacle of masonry when he was elected to the covenant position of Most Worshipful Grand Master and Conservator. One of his major goals as the 18th Grand Master is to pay off the mortgage on the Grand Lodge building. To this end, he initiated several successful and innovative programs to raise funds. Additionally, he founded the M.W. Walter Gulley University of Instruction—an institution which confers upon graduates associates, bachelors, masters, and doctorate degrees in masonry. Finally, Grand Master Walter Gulley, Jr. was recently elected to the position of President of the Southeast Regional Conference of Grand Masters.

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